白黒の練習もう少ししないと駄目ですね…まだまだカラーに入れるlevelじゃない 今日やらなかったぶん明日は沢山描きたいです
Hi, it's a very great blog.I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.Keep doing!
Thank you! I try so hard that I can get closer to world level sometime☆。・。・
Nice work!!!!
Thank you very much!I am very glad!!!!!!!!! I watched your blog.you are sooo Great artist!!!!! I aim at you!!!
カリカチュア練習帳。 An exercise book
Hi, it's a very great blog.
返信削除I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
Thank you!
返信削除I try so hard that I can get closer to world level sometime☆。・。・
Nice work!!!!
返信削除Thank you very much!
返信削除I am very glad!!!!!!!!!
I watched your blog.
you are sooo Great artist!!!!!
I aim at you!!!